Top 10 Road Trip Games and Activities for Kids

Is your family like most? You are in the middle of planning a road trip or are already on the way. You need something to keep the children occupied for a certain period. Let's be real. Most kids do not consider road trip fun. They think road trips are boring and dull.

Most children end up miserable (after a while) unless you have planned some activity for them to do. Most kids (of today) do not get excited about the games that their parents did as children. You must keep things interesting. Otherwise, family fun will turn into a family nightmare.
Below you will find ten activities that your everyone from toddler to teenager can enjoy during the long, hard hours on the road.

1 - Spot It

Some of you may have heard of the game already. It is a game of visual perception(and manipulation). It is a game that many families have come to enjoy through the years. here are two versions. You can either get the general edition or the Animal Jr. version. This is the perfect option for those who have little ones 6 years and younger. Sometimes your eyes play tricks on you, and sometimes they do not. Either way, the game is going to test everyone who plays, even the adults.

2 - You Gotta Be Kidding Me!

It is sort of an extension of the "Would You Rather" phenomenon, except made for the road. This is one of those activities that will get everyone in the car joining in. It is a combination of hysterics, laughter, and conversation.

3 - Mad Libs

Do you remember these when we were little? It is the same premise, maybe a bit more modern and updated. Cause, now there's an app. You get to make up funny tales (on purpose, even). The bonus is that these Mad Libs are educational too. Your offspring will be learning at the same time, but they won't know it.

7 - Hasbro Battleship Grab and Go Game

It is similar to the one you play at home, but it is compact. This one is bound to keep everyone who needs to be distracted, distracted. You do need to be warned about is hearing, "you sunk my battleship". You are going to hear that one a lot. Other than that, you are good.

8 - National Geographic Ultimate US Road Atlas

This is another one of those educational games. It is an educational tool to help little ones learn about the states. The only difference is that it packaged into a game(per se). Boys and girls 8-11 will probably get the most enjoyment. Others can play too, but this game is geared to that age group.

9 - Travel Guess Who

It is like the Guess Who you may already have at home. This is one game where the toddlers are going to get the most enjoyment.

10 - The IQ Twist

This is filled with complex puzzles and other such things. This one is also perfect for the road.


4 - Auto Bingo

This might be a new one for some of you. But for others, this is flashback to bring back the glory days of childhood travel games with a rousing round of Auto and Interstate Highway bingo on your next road trip with Regal Games Original Auto and Interstate Highway Bingo Travel Set. It keeps kids occupied by interacting with the scenery. Spot everything from motor homes, rivers, birds, and more. The first to get 5 in a row wins! The Assorted Auto and Interstate Highway Bingo Travel Set is perfect for family vacations, car rides, and road trips.

5 - TableTopics

You can choose from different versions. It all depends on what you and yours prefer.

The great thing to mention (about the game) is that it serves as a conversational piece.
Now, some already use dinner time conversation, which is good. It can also be used on the road. It will make the travel time seem less awkward and long. Everyone will be too busy having a conversation, they will forget about asking, "Are we there yet?”.

6 - Travel Scavenger Hunts

Scavenger hunts are one of my all time favorite games to play in the car with the kids because it gets everyone to pay attention to what’s going on outside. It’s so fun to play together as a family, but you can also print out copies for everyone and make the games a competition. Basically whoever spots the item on the list first gets the credit for that one, but at least one other person has to also see it to confirm the item was actually there!  Print out a road trip scavenger hunt list the next time you get ready to hit the open road with the kids.