The methods of payment admitted are - Debit card, Credit card VISA or MasterCard. We do not accept Diners Club, American Express, Postepay or cash. The card used must be in the name of the main driver on the rental agreement.
Method of payment - The credit or debit card with which the reservation is made must be shown by the holder when they pick up the vehicle. The holder of the card must make sure that it is used pursuant to these General Rental Conditions (deposit, withdrawals, etc.) - so that no damage is caused.
As such, Clients agree to get all the necessary information from their bank before their card is used by the car rental company, which cannot be held liable on these grounds.The payment to rent the vehicle and any possible additional costs shall be made in the currency chosen by the Client. Transactions in various currencies are accepted pursuant to the terms of the bank that processes the payment.
DEPOSIT - Except when the optional additional coverage is taken out by the Client, when the vehicle is collected, the Client must put down a deposit, the amount of which is established in the Specific Rental Conditions.
If the term of the Agreement is extended, the initial amount of the deposit must be increased according to the number of additional days of rental.
Within a maximum of 8 working days the deposit blocked on a credit card or charged on a debit card will be released or refunded to the customer when they return the vehicle, once the car rental company staff has checked it over and made sure that the terms of the agreement have been complied with.
The amount of the deposit shall be partially or totally kept if the terms of the Agreement are breached, to pay for the penalties or fees attributable to the Client, unless the Client has taken out optional additional coverage.
PAYMENT AND METHODS OF PAYMENT - Common provisions Clients agree to pay the car rental company -
The cost of hiring the vehicle, the insurance and the taxes associated with the Applicable Rate when the reservation is made. Charging the rate initially agreed upon shall be subject to the vehicle being returned properly in the right place, on the date and at the time agreed upon in the Agreement. The rates might vary according to the season and the hire offices. Clients must, therefore, check the rate that will be charged before renting the vehicle -
The amount associated with the Vehicle Replacement System (see the General Rental Conditions) - and
All the other expenses owed by Clients pursuant to the following provisions.
Payment for the inappropriate use of the vehicle.
At the end of the rental period, Clients agree to pay the car rental company the following amounts -
If the vehicle is dirty when it is returned and it needs to be cleaned much more thoroughly than normal so that it can be rented once again, the additional fee of up to 180 euros for a special cleaning service shall be charged.
Up to 105 euros for the expenses incurred in the loss of documents and/or the keys of the vehicle, if they have to be replaced in a different office to where the vehicle actually has to be returned, the cost of sending the set of keys to the corresponding office, as well as the costs incurred in any other situation where the vehicle is immobilized for reasons that only the Client can be held responsible for.
The expenses incurred in the vehicle breaking down on the account of the Client.
The expenses incurred in the loss, theft, deterioration or the damages to all the elements of the vehicle, or the vehicle itself, as well as the expenses incurred by using an unsuitable fuel in the vehicle. For details please see -
REPAIR COST DETAILSCost of tolls, fines, penalties and legal fees charged to the car rental company on the account of the Client, or any other authorized user who does respect the highway- code or the applicable rules.
Notwithstanding the aforementioned, the car rental company is entitled to charge the Client an additional set fee of 40 euros by way of the costs incurred in processing the paperwork and formalities with the public authorities regarding the aforesaid offences. As such, Clients are informed that their personal data might be passed on to the authorities on request, without getting their prior consent.